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How do I protect my mattress?

How do I protect my mattress?

The mattress is not a cheap investment, so you have to ensure that it lasts for as long as possible. The lifespan of your mattress depends on some key factors, including the type and quality of material and the way you take care of it. 

In general, good quality mattresses may last up to 10-15 years if used and cared for properly. While you cannot keep your mattresses forever, you can extend its life by doing your best to keep them clean. A bonus you receive with a clean mattress is that it equates to better air quality and a healthier environment for better sleep. 

You want to avoid disposing of your mattress too early. To help you get the most out of your mattress, we have some hacks for mattress protection. 

  • Use a Mattress Protector

Throwing a protector over a mattress is the potential game-changer for increasing life and longevity. We may think that everything is neat and tidy, but things happen. Sometimes spills can cause stains on your mattress, making it look bad. Using a protector, especially waterproof, ensures that nothing finds its way from the top of the sheet or duvet. 

In addition to water or drinks, body fluids, oils, and body flakes can also make their way into the mattress. Using a protector is the best way to keep them away from ruining the mattress. 

You have many different types of mattresses that come in various price ranges and materials. Ensure that you know the size and dimensions of your mattress to purchase a suitable protector before shopping. 

For the best results, use a zippered bed bug proof six sided mattress encasement with a fitted style waterproof mattress pad on top, beneath your bottom fitted sheet. The zippered bedbug proof encasement should be left on for a minimum of 12-18 months to ensure that no bed bugs, larvae, or eggs are living. Waterproof, yet breathable mattress pads may be removed and washed weekly or as needed. 

  • Ensure that the Mattress Has Support

While it is not necessary to purchase box support or foundation with a mattress, it is essential to provide your mattress with extra support. Support for a mattress helps preserve its integrity and prevents premature wear. 

Check the manufacturer policy to find the recommendations for the proper support. Box supports usually go well with spring mattresses while memory foam mattress require foundational support. 

Beds that use a frame have extra support available for mattresses to support the weight of a sleeper. King and queen beds have center bar support. Platform beds may need additional support depending on weight and type. 

It is best to check the support regularly and assess their condition. Broken supports effects your mattress and compromises its integrity and usefulness. 

Box spring protectors ensure that there are no bedbugs, larvae, or eggs there either, though typically they prefer the mattress. Additionally, they protect from dust mite allergens trapping their dust particles inside, leading to a cleaner bedroom environment.

  • Wash the Linens Regularly

When you use a mattress, body sweat, hair, skin cells, etc., all make their way into a mattress. Eating or drinking on the bed also produces leftovers, and pet’s dander brings all sorts of things. In addition to looking putrid, all of these invite bacteria and dust mites. 

Regular cleaning of mattress pads, bed sheets and linens is an ideal way to prevent your mattresses from ruining. Even if you use a protector, cleaning the linens every week is still important. Additionally, clean your protectors along with sheets to keep the mattress intact. 

  • Rotate the Mattress

No matter the material or the type, every mattress benefits from regular rotation. While some manufactures might say it is not essential, rotating the mattress saves it from wearing too early. 

Continuous use of mattress causes it to soften and experiences depression on some spots. Rotating the mattress evens that softening and keeps it in good shape for long. 

Rotate a mattress every 4-6 months from hen to foot. It is vital in the first few years as you are breaking the mattress. 

  • Avoid Eating and Drinking on the Bed

A small meal on the bed may look harmless, but the tiny crumbs that go unnoticed attract bugs and other critters. Most commonly, ants and cockroaches appear that gives rise to countless other health concerns. 

If you have to eat on your bed, ensure that you change the sheet more frequently. Waterproof mattress pads add an additional layer of protection, just in case your wine or coffee do happen to spill. 

  • Forbid Jumping on the Bed

Jumping on your mattress is not only unsafe, but it also does not do your mattress any favors.  Jumping puts unnecessary pressure on a mattress and potentially damages it over time. You also risk damaging the frame and support for the mattress. Remember that the design of a mattress is not to manage the weight of jumping individuals. 

  • Take Care While Moving a Mattress

Whenever you move, protect your mattress from damage by wrapping it in a vinyl protector and avoid bending or folding. You can also use mattress bags and secure them with tape to keep water and dirt away while preventing scruffs or scratches.

Generally, when moving your mattress, keep it in an upright position so it does not crease or snag during transportation. Avoid dragging your mattress even if it is inside a cover or a bag, as this will tear the bag and expose your mattress.

  • Clean the Stains Immediately

Stains and spills can happen anytime, and instead of leaving them to dry, clean immediately. Vacuum or spot cleaning the stain increases their life expectancy. 

Have some homemade vinegar and lemon cleaner at home to immediately take care of any stain before it becomes tough. Remember that there is no standard way of cleaning your mattress other than addressing the stain on the spot. 

Steam cleaners are another method to lift stains from a mattress, given the soiling is not too extensive.

  • Keep Your Pets off the Bed

Pets may be cute and cuddly to sleep with, but they invite a slew of germs, bacteria, and bugs into the bed. Dogs and cats usually carry hookworms or roundworms. These parasites lay their eggs on your pet’s hair that easily sheds onto your sheets. These eggs then hatch into larvae and can cause skin diseases for you. 

Have a basket or pet bed outside the room or, at least, away from your bed to prevent pests from making way. 

Cat claws may void your mattress protectors warranty. The claws on cats, while helpful for climbing and defense, wreck havoc on a mattress protector. The laminated membrane may be pierced or torn accidentally, allowing dust, spills, incontinence, and/or bed bugs to penetrate.

  • Do Not Let the Bed Bugs Make Way

Bed bugs are flat, reddish-brown bugs that easily hide into bed frames and mattresses. Bed bugs remain active at night and feed on the blood of a host to survive, and you do not need bed bugs in your house. 

Keep your bed and sheets organized to give less space for the bugs to hide. A bed bug proof mattress protector acts as a barrier that prevents bed bugs from entering. Take care in purchasing used mattresses as the chances of bed bug presence is likely over time. 

Final Word

Taking care of your mattress is the best way to increase its life and make it last for long. Taking these above steps will keep the integrity of your mattress intact. Remember that the better care you take, the better return you will receive from your investment.

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